In this article, we’re talking about getting online and getting amazing results. My name is Sami wonder and I am a certified dating and relationship coach and I have a very strong relationship with him.
There’s a lot of things going on there, there’s a lot of things going on there and there are people who are just interested in sex present there. But what I tell my clients is that you are in the world. You again have good and bad men present. So you definitely do not want to go online just because you’ve had a few bad experiences because it’s really fast. Right. So it’s very powerful that we have a great sample of good men. Yes, there are not so good. A lot of good men are out there and their clients put their matches on their husbands’ face. So I highly recommend. My single clients my online dating. Now having said that this video is all about how to reduce the stress in online dating. My top tips and how to get better results online. So the first step is really to create a profile that is your sole. Signature. So what do I mean if you are in your life? I love you I love shopping I love shopping I love shopping you are not really good at it gonna attract men or it’s going to Aussi. Not attracted to your soul because they can not see your soul. So if you want to attract high-quality men. My top tip
number 1: is to really write a profile that is expressing your soul. The woman that you are trying to buy and sell. But what is it that makes you. HOW DO YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL. What kind of foods do you like to try right? So we really want your profile. To speak to the high-quality man so that he gets attracted to your soul. Right from the start that’s his first introduction. Now the second thing is you really want to present your best foot forward for your pictures. So you want to make sure that your pictures are up to your face
So these two tips are for the profile and for the photographs they really have to be in order. If you’re looking for it because if that is. Mediocre or trashy gold then you’re going to get a lot of trash. Right. So you want to speak to your profile and make sure it’s the best side of you. Now my third tip when it comes to online dating is to keep your messages online really short because we do not want to get into what I call the texting trap. Now the texting trap is where you are going to have a good time and you’re always going to have a good time. And you’re frustrated because you’re wasting a lot of time. So the way I teach this in your program is not so good. So I teach my customers to say Hey there it’s lovely connecting with you. But I’m not big on texting. I’d rather hear your voice. So why are we using this script? We’re using this script because the idea is to reduce the time we spend on messaging. So that’s where it would feel good to hear your voice. I would rather prefer to hear your voice. m not big on texting. I’d rather hear your voice. So why are we using this script? We’re using this script because the idea is to reduce the time we spend on messaging. So that’s where it would feel good to hear your voice. I would rather prefer to hear your voice. m not big on texting. I’d rather hear your voice. So why are we using this script? We’re using this script because the idea is to reduce the time we spend on messaging. So that’s where it would feel good to hear your voice. I would rather prefer to hear your voice.
Now step number is your phone number that is your biggest choice process right. We do not want you to have a good time when we are just not feeling a connection. So that phone call is gonna make your life so much easier because you’re not going to go out on dates or first dates with where you just do not feel a connection you know there’s just nothing both of you share. So keep getting the men on that call to let him call you. Keep your conversation short. And one call five minutes maximum of 10 minutes. We do not want these calls to be one hour long. That’s too much too soon. And I teach women that you want to slow down. So keep the call and get the date of the call.
So you’re not really going to be in the phone zone for too long. So we do not want to stay on the online messaging zone for too long then we do not want to stay in the phone zone for too long. So you’ve had one call it’s completely ok. To have another call but after that. Let it go. Do not waste your time. And one of the scripts that I teach at this point at this stage. Tip number five is to actually say on the phone Well this feels good. And. Yeah, I’d be open to seeing you. Right. So that’s a very feminine way. But it’s also a question of no time, no waste, no matter how dangerous you are. If you’re not going to be there, then you’re going to be there. So that’s the way ladies to online date. You do not have to waste a lot of time. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed. You’re not going to be the one asking for a date and planning instead of just let him go. So that’s the way ladies to online date. You do not have to waste a lot of time. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed. You’re not going to be the one asking for a date and planning instead of just let him go. So that’s the way ladies to online date. You do not have to waste a lot of time. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed. the ladies way to online date. You do not have to waste a lot of time. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed. the ladies way to online date. You do not have to waste a lot of time. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed. You know I even recommend my clients to a few minutes during the day say 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night where they scroll through their messages and what they have received and to respond to messaging. Real life is real life where they live in real life. So if you have this set of system you are going to feel less overwhelmed.
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